Toys that encourage kids to create and share their own stories, artwork, videos, and photos are on the rise. These toys allow kids to use their imaginations to develop their own play experiences, making new things through constructing, drawing, photography, etc. They also promote kids and parents to play and create together.
Toys that focus on “escapism” are also trending. These toys help to decompress from day-to-day life by providing a “mental break” with their imaginative adventures. A mix of compact, travel-ready toys and games can also be a great addition when on-the-go or taking vacations. Research has shown that parents believe play provided a positive escape from the reality of the pandemic and a way to destress, which also includes toys tied to online & video games.
As the result of social media being a driving force for the creation of warm, fuzzy moments of “zen” out of everyday events, we will see even more toys that engage the senses. These include light-up toys that let kids express their changing moods, new fidget play toys, and toys that support kids and provide a calming comfort.
What toys will trend for you and your family in 2022?