In 2020, the global 3D printing market size was valued at $13.78 billion. From 2021 through 2028, it is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 21.0%. With this projection, the demand for 3D printers is expected to grow in the coming years, and investors are getting excited about how 3D printing applications could be used for almost every industry.
The first 3D printed jet engine was built five years ago. 3D printing has the potential to benefit society in so many ways, providing everything from food, to human organs, body parts and prosthetics, to homes. 3D printing also has a high degree of accuracy and precision, so there is little waste, resulting in no requirements to reuse or recycle the waste materials.
3D printing has the potential to improve our everyday lives in many ways, including household use. 3D printers can be used to make newly designed kitchen utensils, or functional items for repairs. Students are also benefiting from the use of 3D printers. Money can be made with a 3D printer, whether it be selling 3D printed items or digital products. Offering 3D printing services in local areas can also be a money making opportunity. It will be interesting to see where the 3D printing technology takes us as it continues to develop and grow.